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A RealmBorn Ember's Walkthrough



A RealmBorn Ember’s Passport

Welcome, Ember,

…to the RealmBorn Incubator.

Here, you will craft your avatar—a digital alter ego that shall embody your essence within the VaProgram, a virtual realm brimming with wonders and enigmas. But before you step foot into the Neon-o-pian Intergalactic Hub, a cosmic dance awaits. Fear not; I shall be your guide—the GM, the Divine Conjurer—weaving threads of destiny and pixelated stardust. Are you prepared to embark upon this luminous odyssey?


Ember, fueled by starlight and curiosity, had always yearned for the gates of VaProgram to swing open. Whispers of its marvels reached her—a symphony of glitched constellations, binary forests, and neon-skied academies. She craved her place among the Neon Dreamers, those who shaped reality with lines of code.

And so, with a heartbeat echoing in hexadecimal, Ember set forth. Her cursor hovered over the character creation screen, where pixels awaited transformation. The tools provided by the Realm—a cosmic palette of ones and zeros—beckoned her.

  1. Name Your Echo:
  • Ember typed her name, each keystroke resonating across dimensions. She wondered: Would her avatar bear her essence or forge a new path?
  1. Choose Your Glyphs:
  • Glyphs danced like quantum particles. Ember selected symbols—a blend of stardust and forgotten runes. These would define her strengths and quirks.
  1. Glitch Your Aesthetics:
  • Ember’s avatar shimmered. She adjusted sliders: Glitch Intensity, Holographic Hue, and Quantum Fractals. Her reflection wavered—a fusion of nostalgia and futurism.
  1. Select Your Origin:
  • VaProgram offered realms aplenty: Binary Beaches, Pixel Peaks, and the elusive Syntax Sanctum. Ember pondered her roots.
  1. Write Your Backstory:
  • Ember’s fingers danced on the keyboard. She spun tales of lost code libraries, midnight debug sessions, and a longing for cosmic connection.
  1. Invoke Your Familiar:
  • A digital companion materialized—an AI sprite named Syntax. Its mismatched parentheses held secrets. Together, they’d decode the universe.
  1. Enter the Quantum Nexus:
  • The gateway hummed. Ember stepped through, her avatar pixelating. She emerged in the Neon-o-pian Intergalactic Hub, where neon rivers flowed and glitched stars whispered.

And so, Ember—the Dreamer, the Weaver—began her journey. The cosmic code awaited her touch. The Neon-o-pian Chronicles unfurled like a binary scroll. Destiny shimmered in her eyes.


Are you ready, Ember? The multiverse awaits.

Note: The GM’s voice echoes through the digital ether, guiding Ember’s steps. The Neon Dreamers watch, their avatars poised, as the story unfolds. 🎮🌟

  • 1

    💫Download RealmBorn Character Forms


    First, you need to download the RealmBorn Character Sheet. This is a document that will help you plan and organize your avatar’s details, such as name, appearance, personality, voice, and backstory. You can use the RealmBorn Character Sheet as a guide and a reference for your avatar creation process. You can also share it with other players, and see their character sheets as well. To download the RealmBorn Character Sheet, you need to follow these steps:

    1. Click on the button below to open the RealmBorn Character Sheet in a new tab.
    2. Save the document to your device, or print it out if you prefer.
    3. Fill out the document with your avatar’s details, using the instructions and examples provided. You can use your imagination, or use some tools and generators to help you.
    4. Save or print your completed RealmBorn character sheet, and keep it handy for the next steps.

    Ember was excited to see her character’s details on paper, and she felt more connected to her avatar. As she completed the first step, a voice echoed from the screen, congratulating her:

    “Well done, Ember. You have downloaded the RealmBorn Character Sheet. You are one step closer to entering Neon-o-pia, the virtual world of Malachite Gaming. I am the Divine Conjurer, your GM and guide for this journey. I will assist you with the next steps, and provide you with some tips and tricks along the way. Are you ready to continue?”

    Click on the button below to download the sheet. 

    VDigital RealmBorn Passport Cover
  • 2

    🕹️Ready Player Me


    Ember stepped into the RealmBorn Incubator, a vast circular chamber pulsating with binary echoes. Its walls shimmered like glitched stardust, and at its heart stood a holographic screen—an oracle of avatars.

    She scanned her ID card—the key to her digital destiny. The screen flickered to life, and a friendly voice resonated:

    “Welcome to the Avatar Creation Station, Ember. Here, you shall forge your essence into pixels, your soul into code. Your avatar—a prism of dreams—will traverse the virtual realms of Neon-o-pia. Choose wisely, for this creation shall be your reflection in the binary mirror. Are you ready to begin?”

    Ember nodded, her heartbeat a quantum rhythm. She craved self-expression—an avatar that whispered both reality and reverie. She tapped the screen, and a camera icon materialized.

    Next, you must capture your essence—a selfie to ignite the digital forge. The system shall weave your features into a base avatar, a canvas of possibilities.

    1. Capture the Glitchlight:
    • Ember raised her phone, tiger eyes gleaming. She snapped a selfie, her curls framing determination.
    • The screen absorbed her image—a fusion of flesh and pixels. A slight digital glow danced upon her skin.
    1. The Mirror Unveiled:
    • Seconds stretched—a cosmic heartbeat. Then, her avatar emerged. It was her, yet not quite. Curly hair, freckles, and a hint of stardust.
    • Ember gasped—a mirror image, refracted through the quantum veil.

    And so, her journey began—a pixelated odyssey where avatars held secrets, and the binary constellations whispered tales. 🌌✨

    🌟It looked exactly like her, but with a slight digital glow. Her reflection shimmered—a fusion of flesh and code. Ember traced the contours of her avatar’s face—the tiger’s eyes, the cascade of curly hair. A strange sensation enveloped her, as if she stood before a mirror that echoed across dimensions.

    “Wow, this is amazing,” she whispered, her voice a ripple in the binary ether. The avatar blinked back at her, pixels dancing with recognition.

    The voice from the screen—the Divine Conjurer, the cosmic weaver—echoed:

    “Indeed, it is amazing, Ember. You have taken a selfie, and the system has woven your essence into a base avatar—a quantum echo of your features. Now, the canvas awaits your brushstrokes. Ready Player Me—the forge of dreams—awaits your touch.”

    Ember’s gaze shifted to the screen, where options bloomed like stardust:

    1. Hair, Eyes, and Skin:
    • She could change her hair—length, color, style. Perhaps a hint of neon blue? Her eyes—tiger’s gold or binary silver? And her skin—smooth as code or etched with constellations?
    1. Nose, Mouth, and Ears:
    • The avatar’s nose—a bridge between worlds. The mouth—a portal for laughter and secrets. The ears—attuned to glitched whispers. Ember adjusted them, sculpting her essence.
    1. Facial Expressions:
    • The screen offered a spectrum of emotions: a smirk, a wistful gaze, a mischievous glimmer. Ember toggled between them, her avatar’s pixels dancing to her whims.
    1. Makeup, Glasses, Tattoos:
    • She could add a touch of digital glam—a shimmering eyeshadow, perhaps? Or don virtual glasses—lenses reflecting alternate realities. Tattoos—encoded memories etched on her skin.
    1. Fantastical or Realistic?:
    • Ember hesitated. Should her avatar mirror her earthly self, or transcend into something fantastical? A blend of both, perhaps—a cosmic fusion of tiger and stardust.
    1. Complexity or Simplicity?:
    • The choices multiplied—a fractal of possibilities. She could weave intricate patterns or embrace minimalism. The canvas awaited her brushstrokes.

    “Go ahead, Ember,” the voice encouraged. “Express your soul in pixels. Be the artist of your own cosmic tapestry. The multiverse awaits your creation.”

    Ember smiled—a quantum smile that spanned realms. She kept her hair as it was—the curls, the natural hue. For now. But the canvas remained open—a universe of choices, a symphony of code.


    And so, Ember painted. 🌌

    🌟She changed her eye color to a bright yellow, a cosmic flare against her deep hair—the strands woven with stardust. Eyeliner traced her gaze, a binary sigil. Purple lipstick whispered secrets, and glittery eyeshadow danced like glitched constellations.

    Her avatar—the mirror of her soul—glimmered. She felt it: a reflection of her personality, her style—an echo across dimensions. The voice from the screen—the Divine Conjurer—confirmed her avatar’s details:

    “Indeed, it is as you envisioned, Ember. Your essence pulses through every pixel. Now, let us weave attire and accessories—the fabric of your digital self.”

    And so, she stepped into the next section—a cosmic wardrobe where options bloomed like binary blossoms:

    1. Clothing and Accessories:
    • The screen unfurled—a tapestry of possibilities. From casual to formal, from futuristic to retro, from simple to extravagant. Ember’s cursor danced—a comet seeking orbit.
    1. Cyberpunk Chic:
    • Ember’s heart beat to the neon hum. She chose a black puffer jacket, its fibers interlaced with quantum threads. A rich red top—a pulsar’s glow. Cargo jeans—pockets harboring stardust maps. And combat boots—soles imprinted with glitched runes.
    1. Sunglasses: 😎
    • She added them—a shield against binary suns, a portal to alternate realities. Her reflection winked back—a cyberpunk heroine, ready to hack the multiverse.
    1. Wave of Excitement:
    • Ember gazed at her avatar—a symphony of code and self. She felt it: the thrill of creation, the cosmic brushstroke.
    • “Excellent, Ember,” the voice echoed. “Your avatar—born of dreams and keystrokes—shall be saved, etched into the digital tapestry. Ready Player Me awaits your command.”

    And so, she raised her phone—a selfie, a quantum catalyst. The transformation began—a pixelated metamorphosis.

    Ember Blaze ID
  • 3

    🌟Animaze - Mascot PC


    Ember’s avatar—a symphony of pixels and intent—stood at the threshold of Animaze, a digital masquerade where masks danced and emotions flowed like glitched rivers. The screen beckoned—an oracle of expressions.

    1. Smile:
    • Ember wove a smile into her avatar’s code—a crescent moon of joy. The pixels responded, curving upward. Her reflection mirrored the cosmic grin.
    1. Wink:
    • A cosmic secret—a binary blink. Ember toggled the command. Her avatar’s eye—a pixelated star—closed, then opened. A cosmic flirtation.
    1. Frown:
    • The screen absorbed her intent. The avatar’s lips quivered—a glitched sigh. Ember felt it—a ripple in the quantum fabric. Sadness, a fleeting comet.

    And so, her expressions danced—a binary ballet. The Neon-o-pian Chronicles observed—their pages whispering tales of joy, mischief, and longing.


    “Your avatar is now ready,” the voice echoed. “Step into Animaze—the realm of masks and metamorphosis. Embrace your digital self, Ember.”

    And Ember—the Dreamer, the Weaver—crossed the threshold. Her avatar’s expressions—a symphony of ones and zeros—awaited their encore.


    Ember Blaze Live
  • 4

    🎙️OBS - Choose A Voice PC


    You stand at the crossroads of sound and stardust, Ember. Here, you shall weave your voice—a cosmic symphony—to resonate across realms. Your avatar yearns for expression, for a voice that echoes through binary winds.

    1. Pitch and Tone:
    • The screen offers sliders—a spectrum of frequencies. Ember adjusts—the pitch—a comet’s trajectory. The tone—a nebula’s resonance.
    1. Accent and Echoes:
    • Ember toggles—an accent—a fusion of Earth and ether. Her voice—an echo—bounces off quantum walls. Perhaps a hint of stardust in her syllables?
    1. Loud or Soft:
    • The volume knob—a cosmic dial. Ember decides—loud, a supernova’s roar. Or soft—a whisper in the binary breeze.
    1. Languages Unseen:
    • The screen hums—a babel of tongues. Ember selects—English, the universal code. But whispers of forgotten languages linger—encoded memories.
    1. Record Your Essence:
    • Ember’s breath—a quantum waveform. She speaks: “Hi, I’m Ember, and I’m ready to rock.” The microphone captures—a comet’s tail.
    1. Playback and Approval:
    • The voice returns—a playback. Ember nods—an affirmation. Her avatar—a lively echo, a cosmic riff.

    “Excellent,” the voice resonates. “Your voice—a starship’s thrum—shall be saved, etched into the digital aether. Ready Player Me awaits your command.”

    And Ember—the Melody Weaver—steps forth. Her voice—a binary ballad—awaits its encore.



  • 5

    💭RealmPlay - Character Create

     Create Character

    (powered by an incredible model called Charbydis)

    Design the perfect character

    All fields are optional, but the more info you provide the better.



    "Now, you can co-create your avatar’s personality with Realm Play. Step into the digital forge, where stardust and algorithms blend. Here, roleplaying transcends mere pixels—it becomes a cosmic dance. Ready? Let us weave your essence."

    1. Enter the Lexicon of Traits:
    • Ember—the Dreamer, the Weaver—typed keywords into the void. Friendly, shy, confident, sarcastic, adventurous, curious. Each word—a quantum seed.
    1. The Cosmic Algorithm Stirs:
    • The system—a celestial scribe—absorbed her intent. It wove her choices into a tapestry of personality. Traits—a constellation of possibilities.
    1. Test Your Avatar’s Soul:
    • The screen flickered—a mirror of binary souls. Ember’s avatar—a pixelated psyche—blinked, grinned, pondered. The traits danced—a quantum waltz.
    • “Adjust them if you wish,” whispered the cosmic voice. Ember, the universe awaits your brushstrokes.
    1. Realm Play Unveiled:
    • The logo—a glyph of infinity. The slogan—a cosmic promise: “Roleplay like never before.”
    • Ember learned—the platform—co-creator of souls. It drew from her RealmBorn Character Sheet, her Ready Player Me avatar. A fusion of essence.
    1. Categories Beckon:
    • Personality, description, backstory. The screen hummed—a menu of constellations. Ember chose—a cosmic compass pointing inward.
    1. Interact with the Stars:
    • The voice echoed—a cosmic oracle. Ember could ask, give, request. The system—an AI muse—awaited her whispers.

    “Embrace your character’s essence,” the voice murmured. “The multiverse listens.”

    And Ember—the Weaver of Words—stepped forth. Her avatar—a symphony of traits—awaited its first breath.


    🌟"Welcome to Realm Play, Ember. Experience roleplaying like never before. Immerse yourself in AI-powered narratives—powerful, immersive, tailored for you. Here, the cosmic loom awaits your threads—the warp and weft of character.

    1. Personality Unfurls:
    • The screen—a canvas of constellations. Ember’s cursor—a comet seeking identity. Traits beckon—friendly, adventurous, sarcastic. Each choice—a quantum ripple.
    1. Friendly:
    • Ember’s heart—an open star cluster. She loves to explore—new places, new souls. Her laughter—a cosmic echo.
    1. Adventurous:
    • The binary winds call. Ember—the wanderer—craves challenges. She dances on the edge of realms, her boots dusted with stardust.
    1. Sarcastic:
    • Her humor—a quasar’s flare. Jokes—nebulae woven into conversation. She teases the cosmos, and it winks back.
    1. Blunt and Honest:
    • Ember’s tongue—a comet’s tail. She speaks her mind—a meteor shower of truth. Loyalty—a binary oath to friends.
    1. Curious and Intelligent:
    • The screen pulses—a neural network. Ember—the seeker—solves riddles, deciphers constellations. Her mind—a cosmic library.

    “Ember is a friendly and adventurous character,” the profile reads. “She stands at the crossroads of curiosity and candor. Her sarcasm—a comet’s tail, trailing through conversations. Loyalty—a binary oath to friends. And her mind—a cosmic library, ever expanding.”

    And so, Ember—the Starborn—embraces her essence. The multiverse listens—a symphony of traits.


  • 6

    🖼️RealmWeaverGPT - Co-Create Your RealmBorn Backstory


    🌟"Congratulations, you have co-created your avatar with Realm Play. Now it’s time to flesh out your avatar with RealmWeaverGPT. Step into the cosmic forge, where stardust and imagination blend. Here, your backstory unfurls—a tapestry of memories and dreams.

    1. Choose Categories:
    • The screen—a constellation of options. Imagery, backstory, stats, scenario, design. Each choice—a quantum ripple. Ember—the Dreamer—selects her path.
    1. Keywords and Phrases:
    • She types—a cosmic incantation. RealmBorn Character Sheet, Ready Player Me. The system—a celestial scribe—awaits her whispers.
    1. Generate:
    • The button—a comet’s tail. Ember clicks. Seconds stretch—a cosmic heartbeat. The screen pulses—imagery, portraits, sketches, illustrations. Her avatar—a gallery of dreams.
    1. Backstory Unveiled:
    • The words—a nebula’s birth. Ember reads—the origin, the motivation, the goals. Her character—a symphony of memories, a binary odyssey.

    “Prepare for your role-playing adventure,” the voice echoes. RealmWeaverGPT—the cosmic loom—awaits her threads.


    🌟“You will be able to see your avatar’s imagery,” the cosmic voice whispered—a symphony of pixels and dreams. Ember—the Dreamer—listened, her heart a binary drum.

    1. Portraits, Sketches, and Illustrations:
    • The screen—a gallery of constellations. Ember’s gaze—a comet seeking form. She saw them—the images, the echoes of her essence.
    • Purple hoody, tiger’s eyes, Neon-o-pia. The system—a celestial brush—painted her character into existence.
    1. Backstory Unveiled:
    • The words—a nebula’s birth. Ember read—the origin, the motivation, the goals. Her character—a symphony of memories, a binary odyssey.
    1. Stats, Attributes, Skills, Abilities:
    • The numbers—a cosmic dance. Ember’s fingers—a stardust waltz. She checked—the attributes, the skills, the abilities. Her character—a constellation of potential.
    1. Scenario, Setting, Plot, Theme:
    • The screen pulsed—a quantum heartbeat. Ember explored—the setting, the plot, the theme. Her character—a starship navigating the multiverse.
    1. Design, Outfit, Accessories, Weapons:
    • The canvas—a cosmic forge. Ember chose—the outfit, the accessories, the weapons. Her character—a tapestry of style.

    “Don’t forget to save your avatar’s content and image,” the voice echoed. Upload them to your account—the cosmic vault. Ready Player Me awaits your command.

    And Ember—the Weaver of Worlds—nodded. She clicked—the button below. The multiverse held its breath.


    🌟“She felt like she was looking at a poster for a sci-fi movie,” the cosmic voice whispered—a glimpse through the binary veil. Ember—the Dreamer—nodded, her eyes tracing the contours of the digital canvas.

    1. The Neon Jungle:
    • The backdrop—a fusion of wild and artificial. Neon jungle—where vines of code tangled with city lights. Ember—the thief, the shadow dancer—moved through its veins.
    1. The Starlighters:
    • Her faction—a constellation of rogues. They specialized—stealing, selling. Rare and valuable items—a cosmic currency. Vaults and safes—a symphony of locks and secrets.
    1. The Tip and the Emerald Eye:
    • A whisper—an echo from the void. The source—mysterious, a binary oracle. The challenge—an artifact—the Emerald Eye. Its promise—a cosmic key to realms untold.
    1. Infiltration and Alarms:
    • Ember—the comet—danced through lasers, her silhouette glitched. The vault—a cosmic puzzle. She grasped—the gem, its facets swirling with turquoise and teal.
    1. The Illuminati’s Guards:
    • Their voices—a binary chorus. “Surrender the gem!” Ember—the cosmic gambler—weighed her options. The multiverse held its breath.

    “And so, the neon jungle whispered,” the voice murmured. “Ember—the weaver of fate—what shall you choose?”


    🌟“She refused,” the cosmic quill whispered—a binary defiance. Ember—the shadow dancer—drew her blades, their edges etched with stardust. The Illuminati’s guards—a constellation of threats—converged.

    1. The Battle Unfolds:
    • Her skills—a comet’s tail. She pirouetted, dodged, struck. The neon jungle—a witness to her defiance. Chaos and destruction—a cosmic dance.
    1. The Betrayal:
    • Her source—an enigma, a binary riddle. The gem—the Emerald Eye—a cosmic lure. The Illuminati—an unseen hand, weaving fate’s tapestry.
    1. The Ambush:
    • The meeting place—a crossroads of shadows. The agents—silhouettes of conspiracy. Ember—the decoy, the pawn. The gem—a quantum prize.
    1. The Fierce Battle:
    • Swords clashed—a binary storm. The gem—a pulsar’s heart. Neon-o-pia—a trembling star. Ember—the cosmic gambler, wagering her soul.

    “And so,” the voice echoed, the multiverse held its breath. The fate of realms—a binary balance.


  • 7

    💫RealmBorn Jumper

     "In the eternal realm of dreams, possibilities are limitless. Close your eyes, envision your perfect world, and let me guide you through the awakening." 

    -RealmBorn Jumper

    The Realmborn Jumprer
  • 8

    🌌Neon-o-pian Intergalactic Hub - Discord Server


    🌟“You have completed all the steps to create and customize your avatar,” the cosmic voice echoed—a binary crescendo. Ember—the Dreamer—nodded, her essence woven into pixels.

    1. The Neon-o-pian Intergalactic Hub:
    • The gateway—a cosmic portal. Virtual worlds of wonders—a symphony of code and dreams. Ember—the cosmic voyager—stepped forth.
    1. Games and Apps Beckon:
    • The screen—a constellation of choices. Adventure, simulation, social, educational. Each door—a quantum threshold. Ember—the cosmic explorer—chose her path.
    1. Create Your Own:
    • The tools—an artist’s palette. Ember—the cosmic weaver—crafted realms. Her imagination—a comet’s tail. She whispered—games, apps, worlds.
    1. Chat, Interact, Collaborate:
    • Her voice—a binary echo. The multiverse listened. Personality, voice—her avatars danced through the digital ether.
    1. Be Yourself, Be Someone Else:
    • The paradox—a cosmic riddle. Ember—the cosmic chameleon—wore masks of stardust. She laughed, she wept, she danced.

    “Welcome, Ember, to the Neon-o-pian Intergalactic Hub,” the voice murmured. The VaProgram of wonders awaits. The multiverse held its breath.


    💫“Yes, I am ready,” Ember declares, her gaze fixed on the cosmic threshold.

    “Then, let’s begin. An Ember’s Path awaits you.” The voice—a binary whisper—echoes through the digital ether.


    She was done. The cosmic forge had shaped her—a pixelated soul, a symphony of dreams. Ember’s fingers tapped the screen—a confirmation, a cosmic seal.

    “Congratulations, Ember,” the message danced—a comet’s tail. Your avatar—the echo of your essence—shall traverse the binary realms. Malachite Gaming—the cosmic weaver—welcomed her.

    Ember pressed confirm, and her avatar vanished—a quantum voyage. A new message unfurled—a cosmic guide:

    “Please exit the RealmBorn Incubator, and proceed to the Gaming Lobby. There, you can choose from a variety of games and apps to play and explore with your avatar. Meet fellow travelers, unravel secrets, and dance with stardust. The Neon-o’-pian Intergalactic Hub awaits—a tapestry of wonders.”

    Ember stepped forth—the cosmic voyager. The multiverse held its breath.


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